6 Lincoln St.
Oxford, Michigan 48371
Phone: (248) 628-3092
Email: oxfordvet@gmail.com
1 part boiled hamburger
1 part cottage cheese
3 parts long cooking rice (not minute rice)
Feed 3-4 small meals of the mixture for several days before
GRADUALLY returning to a regular diet.
This is a temporary diet and not balance for long term use. It should only be used at the direction of your veterinarian.
First, bathe the dog in dog shampoo and rinse well. Then use the mix below over the entire dog, making sure to avoid the eyes.
Note: This mix needs to be used within an hour of being made up as it won’t keep.
1 quart hydrogen peroxide
1/2 box baking soda
1 tsp dish soap
Rinse well after applying. Bathe the dog again with dog shampoo and rinse well.
Mix 1 tablespoon of Epsom Salts per cup of tepid water. Immerse paw in solution and soak for 5 to 10 minutes. If it is difficult to keep the paw in the solution, you can soak a wash clothe, wrap the paw and cover with a plastic bag. After soaking, rinse well, pat dry and medicate as directed. Soaking should be done twice daily for 2 days, then once daily for 3 to 4 days.